Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

so...what can i say :D

Filled under:

blagh... how we can say :D
akhir bulan lalu ( bulan juli duaribuduabelas) BW dapat pencerahan besar besaran soal nge blog n remeh temeh dunia kepenulisan di dunia maya
so,.. what it is ?? The fact that my blog do not raise it page view significanly ! LOL damn! I*(&(*^&^$(

but, thats allright
just what i say in BW header 
" its not about being read, its about being write "

apa boleh buat, BW sendiri merasa bahwa blog yang berisi hal ihwal ilmu pengetahuan, nasehat dan wejangan wejangan tidak terlalu banyak menyedot perhatian..
namun the top list always been pornsites, funny blogs, weird things and someting unusually for human being :D , if u dont mind LOL

good nite,
lets pray for our breakfast tomorrow

Posted By UnknownKamis, Agustus 30, 2012